Blog Posts
Dress Good to Feel Good
Finding Your Style: The Art of Dressing for You Outfits can be hard to pin down. One day, you might feel like rocking streetwear, the next you’re all about sporty vibes, and sometimes you crave a clean and classy look. The truth is—you can embody all of these styles. But what truly matters is feeling…
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Make It the New Norm
The author reflects on the fear of the unknown and the instinct to seek certainty when faced with unfamiliar situations. Overanalyzing can lead to hesitation and self-doubt, limiting personal growth and enjoyment. By confronting these limiting beliefs and embracing uncertainty, the author has begun to find opportunities previously thought unattainable, advocating for mindfulness in experiences.
Beard Care 101: The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy, Stylish Beard
Man, when I popped my first chin hair in high school, life-changing. That’s all I got to say—just life-changing. Little did I know, it would play games with me. From struggling to grow out a full ‘stache to a patchy beard that looked like dark spots on my face. The journey to figuring out what…
How I Finally Cracked the Code on Habit-Building
For the longest time, I’d wake up with big plans—hit the gym, eat healthy, read more. You know, the whole “new me” routine. And for that one day, I’d be on fire. Motivated. Unstoppable. But then… the next day? A total flop. That same energy? Gone. And there I was, back at square one, blaming…
Bald Head Self-Care: A Journey of Confidence & Maintenance
My Journey I remember the moment I realized I was going bald—a young, prime 21-year-old, staring at my thinning hairline like it had personally betrayed me. It took me a whole year (and countless YouTube videos) to finally accept that bald is not only sexy but also sleek. I looked up to legends like Dwayne…
Welcome to HueRoots
Welcome to Hue Roots, where it’s an honor to have you here. This space is dedicated to diving deep into conversations that often go unheard—about self-love, life, work, hygiene, and much more. It’s about shedding light on topics that aren’t always talked about within our community, but that deserve to be. Hue Roots is more…